Asia |

Hypo, het caramel Female |
Faith |

Normal, het amber Female |
We were only expecting Ambers and Hypos from this breeding. What a pleasant surprise to find Caramels
and a Normal hatchling in the clutch. Further test breeding will confirm whether our suspicions are correct...we think
there are 2 hypomelanistic genes involved with the genetic makeup of these hatchlings.
Sinbad, our Sunglow, het bloodred was the sire of 3 of our holdbacks. Calypso is the
dam of the amel, ph blood pair and Willow takes that honour with the first diffused hatchlings produced here.
Maiden |

Amel, ph diffused Female |
Cherry |

Bloodred, het blizzard Female |
Maiden and Cherry, females and Saylor, our little male will fit nicely into our many Bloodred and Diffused
projects. We will be eagerly awaiting the visual changes we know will take place with these hatchlings. Sinbad
seems to have loaned his rich red colouration to all 3. Cherry's burgandy colouration is exceptional to say the least.
Saylor |

Amel, het diffused male |
Ramses and Venus were matched this year to produce the F1's for our Butter Stripe project.
A plus to this matchup was proving Venus was also het hypo. The hatchlings chosen were both Hypos, het for butter stripe.
Berlin |

Hypo, het butter stripe Male |
Paris |

Hypo, het butter stripe Female |
As each shedding occurs, more and more of the caramel influence can be seen in this pair. Our foundation
stock for our Butter Stripe project is now a reality. In 3 years time we are hoping Berlin and Paris will produce some
outstanding hatchlings. The potential is there, the odds are favorable, and patience is not our strong point!
Ramses was also paired with Athena this season thus creating our F1's for our Butter Motleys.
In addition we discovered Athena is also het hypo. Although Athena has found a new home, we have these great hatchlings
to remember her by.
Penny |

Normal, het caramel, motley female |
Pecan |

Normal, het caramel, motley female |
Moses |

Hypo, het caramel, motley male |
The potential with this grouping is for Caramel Motleys, Amber Motleys and of course Hypo Motleys in the
future. With Ramses also being highly suspected of carrying the Ultra gene recessively, we could be surprised with some
Ultra Motleys from this grouping.
We played with some 'patterning' genes in our match up of Apollo, our Amel Striped, het anery male
x Raven, Anery Motley (unk. hets) female.
Heaven |

Normal Motley, het snow female |
Gideon |

Normal Motley, het snow male |
With the motley gene dominate over the stripe gene and more apt to produce a ribbon style of motley patterning,
we were very pleased when the hatchlings emerged. We were not disappointed in the least when all the hatchlings appeared
with cube patterning. Although both Anerys and Normals were in the clutch, we decided that Gideon and Heaven had the
most potential with planned projects. I also just loved the squared cubes these 2 exhibit.
Gryphon, our Opal male x Maple, Normal, het hypo, lavender, anery female produced our 'first ever'
lavenders here at HanneysCorns.
Haze |

Lavender, het amel male |
Heather |

Lavender, het amel female |
Haze and Heather, two very welcomed home grown additions here. Both exhibit slight aztecing in their
pattern which can be quite common in lavenders. We are simply thrilled...need I say more!
Maple, found a new home in Alberta this summer, but she left behind some absolutely gorgeous babies for
us to mature and will always be remembered as the dam of the foundling stock of lavenders here at HanneysCorns.
Gryphon was also bred to Candy, our Amel female this year. Although the first clutch was lost
in incubation, Candy came thru and laid a second clutch.
D'Arcy |

Amel Aztec, het lavender |
Vienna |

Amel, het lavender |
Although our last clutch of the season, it was certainly worth the wait. D'Arcy shows all the classic
signs of his lavender heritage with his aztecing pattern. Vienna has a few saddles which are abherrant but not enough
to be classified Aztec. The most obvious visual distinction is their colouration. The lavender genes recessively
almost appear to give a peachy cast to an otherwise orangey appearance of the Amel.
Another matchup this season which resulted in some hatchlings worth further investigation, was our
Phantom, het amel male, Spirit x Rocky, Normal, het hypo, amel female.
Pirate |

Normal, het blizzard, hypo |
Sienna |

Normal, het blizzard, hypo |
Scout |

Amel, het phantom |
When this clutch emerged from the egg, some of the hatchlings appeared to show distinct het diffused patterning...grayish
heads and clear belly strips. The diffused gene was not present in either parent to my knowledge. Upon sexing
this clutch it became apparent that the only oddballs were all males. No females visually displayed these types of markings.
After speaking with Chuck Pritzel, an American who specializes in corn genetics I was happy to discover that both Pirate and
Scout carry a patterning gene which has now been proven to be sexually linked, but only in males. Now some further research
and test breeding is required to see if this gene or combination of genes is linked into the diffused patterning. Pirate,
Scout, and Sienna, our little female will be a small part of that project.
In trying to solve the genetic mystery to Samson, we bred him this year to Rocky, our
Normal, het hypo, amel female.
Hogan |

Amel, ph hypo male |
Again with this clutch, the mysterious head and belly patterns appeared. It was this second clutch appearing with
similar traits to the Spirit x Rocky clutch mentioned above that prompted me to seek further input from American breeders.
Hogan most displayed the gray head pattern and clear belly strip characteristic of this sexually linked gene and thus
is staying behind for further breeding trials when mature.
Solving one mystery, has presented us with another. Since the gene is sexually linked, recessive and can only
be inherited from the female, Rocky appears to warrant further breeding trials.
Our final holdback/keeper for the '06 season is from Taz, Snow male x Jasmine, Snow Motley female.
Zero |

Snow, het motley male |
There is always a need for a Snow, het motley in any collection. Zero's colouration of a 'pink' snow quite resembles
his sire. With the addition of the recessive motley gene, we plan on using him in a few of our projects when he matures.
With our travels across several provinces this summer to attend reptile shows we had
the pleasure of meeting other respected breeders here in Canada. Always looking to improve and add new blood lines here,
we feel privileged and proud to add the following hatchlings to our collection from these outstanding Canadian breeders.
Annette Thompson, Wrapped Up in Reptiles, Alberta
Boston |

Ghost Motley male |
Salem |

Ghost Motley female |
Hannah |

Anery Striped female |
Thunder |

Anery Striped male |